Minfulness is the practice of using your 5 senses and staying focused on the present. This practice can be used to focus on an activity you are currently engaging in, or it can be used to relax by using 5 senses to visualize or imagine something.
On this page you will find several videos teaching mindfulness principles, such as using deep breathing to relax, and videos leading you in muscle relaxation, visualizations, and other mindfulness techniques.
Look at the picture of the fountain: Can you focus on the individual drops of water? Can you practically taste them in your mouth, or feel them on your face, refreshing you? You are practicing mindfulness!

Intro to Breathing

Mental Gratitude Journal

Suggestion: Start with this video.
Once you've done the breathing technique, the other exercises will build on the breathing technique.
Simple Breathing Meditation

​Adapted from MindfulnessExercises with my own touches.
Vase Meditation

Tree of Knowledge

Adapted from MindfulnessExercises with my own touches.
Heart-Centered Gratitude

Adapted from MindfulnessExercises with my own touches.
Gratitude with Attitude

Adapted from MindfulnessExercises with my own touches.
Chaotic Times

Adapted from MindfulnessExercises with my own touches.
Safe Place for Dealing With Pain

Adapted from MindfulnessExercises with my own touches.
Shield of Light
Protection Strategy

This strategy is perfect for you if you are an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person. Even if you don't identify as an Empath or HSP, it can still be helpful for you!
Adapted from Judith Orloff, MD's "Shielding Visualization for Empaths" with my own touches.